Cindy components for all
delphi versions for windows applications.
with more than 40 components for all delphi versions: gradient
controls (buttons, speedbuttons, panels), dbgrids with lot of features,
db controls, cyResizer allows resizing controls as Delphi 2009 IDE
does, web browser etc ...
Cindy Pack
Components list:
- TcyBevel: multi colored bevels.

- TcyPanel: runtime resize feature, multi colored bevels, gradient and
shadow feature.

- TcyAdvPanel: like TcyPanel plus wallpaper feature.

- TcyPaintbox: multi colored bevels, gradient.

- TcyAdvPaintBox: like TcyPaintBox plus wallpaper feature.

- TcyLabel: caption orientation, gradient, shadow and indent caption.

- TcyHotLabel: like TcyLabel with different views for any state (like
mouse hover).

- TcyDBLabel: DB Control herited from TcyLabel.
- TcyDBHotLabel: DB Control herited from TcyHotLabel.
- TcyIniForm: save your users size and position form without code in
file or registry, allows custom load/save information.

- TcyFlyingContainer: show any control in front of others and hide it
when it lose focus.

- TcyFieldLink: connect a non DB Control (for exemple a
TDateTimePicker) to a field.

- TcySearchFiles: retrieve files from directory with a lot of options
like file mask/file exclude mask etc ... you can also pause/resume or
abort, has a lot of events to personalize.

- TcyCopyFiles: herited from TcySearchFile, copy files with the same

- TcyBookmark: bookmark records with this independant bookmark list.

- TcyVirtualGrid: define a virtual grid, see demo program.

- TcySkinButton: non rectangular button with an image for each state.

- TcyResizer: move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009

- TcyRunTimeResize: move and resize single component at run-time.

- TcySkinArea: create multiple non rectangular buttons in a single
component with different states for exemple a virtual keyboard.

- TcyColorGrid: pick a color from the list. Totally personalizable.

- TcyColorMatrix: 2 dimensions colors grid representation, very fast.

- TcyLed: simple led with multi-colored feature and shape.

- TcyDBLed: DB control herited from TcyLed.
- TcyAdvLed: a Led with a picture for each state.

- TcyDBAdvLed: DB control herited from TcyAdvLed.
- TcySimpleGauge: a gauge with orientation feature, transparency and
personalizable view.

- TcyDBSimpleGauge: DB control herited from TcySimpleGauge.
- TcyProgressionPanel: show a animated panel information on blocking
long process with determined several steps. Cancel button feature.

- TcyAdvProgressionPanel: show a threaded animated panel information on
undetermined time blocking single process step.

- TcyDBgrid: advanced DBGrid with checkbox feature for each record,
multi-record selection made easy et ...

- TcyAdvDBgrid: more Advanced DBGrid with embedded graphic/memo fields

- TcySpeedButton: colored speedButton with lot of features, imagelist

- TcyAdvSpeedButton: advanced colored speedButton

- TcyBitBtn: colored BitBtn with lot of features, imagelist option.

- TcyAdvButton: advanced colored TButton

- TcySplitter: advanced splitter gradient background and wallpaper

- TcyAppInstances: avoid application (or a group of application)
multiple instances.

- TcyCommunicate: communication between applications for stream/string

- TcyCommRoomConnector: create/connect to a virtual room for
TcyBaseComm components (like TcyCommunicate) to be seen and communicate
with each other.

cindy Internet
Explorer component list:
- TcyWebBrowser: Herited from TWebBrowser, allows easy
load/save/edit html documents.

Please go to to
download components source and demos applications (included exe file).